Преглед изворни кода

Merge branch 'master' of into dudidi

# Conflicts:
#	pages/assay/assayDetails.vue
#	pages/assay/deptList.vue
杜迪迪 пре 1 месец
3 измењених фајлова са 260 додато и 244 уклоњено
  1. 1 1
  2. 258 242
  3. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -134,4 +134,4 @@

+ 258 - 242

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <!-- @format -->
-	<view class="container">
-		<!-- <view style="margin: 15rpx 0">
+  <view class="container">
+    <!-- <view style="margin: 15rpx 0">
 			<view class="contentItems" @click="handleDetails" v-for="item of 2">
 				<u-checkbox :customStyle="{ marginBottom: '8px' }"> 器具名称</u-checkbox>
 				<view class="content">
@@ -25,264 +25,280 @@
 		</view> -->
-		<view style="margin: 15rpx 0">
-			<view v-for="item in ledgerList" class="contentItems">
-				<u-checkbox-group placement="column" @change="changeCheckBox(item)">
-					<view>
-						<view class="" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
-							<view style="display: flex;" class="">
-								<u-checkbox :name="item.id"></u-checkbox>
-								<span style="font-weight: 700;font-size: 36rpx;">{{item.name}}</span>
-							</view>
-							<view style="padding-top: 5rpx;" :style="{
-							  color: recordColor[recordStatus(item.fillingStatus)],
-							}">{{ recordStatus(item.fillingStatus) }}</view>
-						</view>
-						<view style='margin:10rpx 30rpx;color: #606266;line-height: 50rpx;' class="">
-							<view>唯一标识:<span>
-									{{item.instrNo}}
-								</span>
-							</view>
-							<span style="line-height: 50rpx;"> 制造单位:{{item.manufactoryName}}
-							</span>
-							<br />
-							<view style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
-								<view>器具用途:{{item.purposeName}}</view>
-								<view>
-									规格型号:{{item.modelSpecific}}</view>
-							</view>
-							<span
-								style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;line-height: 50rpx;"
-								class="">
-								<span> 出厂编号: {{item.serialNumber}}</span>
-								<span> 内部编号: {{item.internalNumber}}</span>
-							</span>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</u-checkbox-group>
-			</view>
-		</view>
-		<view style="
+    <view style="margin: 15rpx 0">
+      <view v-for="item in ledgerList" class="contentItems">
+        <u-checkbox-group placement="column" @change="changeCheckBox(item)">
+          <view>
+            <view
+              class=""
+              style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between"
+            >
+              <view style="display: flex" class="">
+                <u-checkbox :name="item.id"></u-checkbox>
+                <span style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 36rpx">{{
+                  item.name
+                }}</span>
+              </view>
+              <view
+                style="padding-top: 5rpx"
+                :style="{
+                  color: recordColor[recordStatus(item.fillingStatus)],
+                }"
+                >{{ recordStatus(item.fillingStatus) }}</view
+              >
+            </view>
+            <view
+              style="margin: 10rpx 30rpx; color: #606266; line-height: 50rpx"
+              class=""
+            >
+              <view
+                >唯一标识:<span>
+                  {{ item.instrNo }}
+                </span>
+              </view>
+              <span style="line-height: 50rpx">
+                制造单位:{{ item.manufactoryName }}
+              </span>
+              <br />
+              <view style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between">
+                <view>器具用途:{{ item.purposeName }}</view>
+                <view> 规格型号:{{ item.modelSpecific }}</view>
+              </view>
+              <span
+                style="
+                  display: flex;
+                  justify-content: space-between;
+                  align-items: center;
+                  line-height: 50rpx;
+                "
+                class=""
+              >
+                <span> 出厂编号: {{ item.serialNumber }}</span>
+                <span> 内部编号: {{ item.internalNumber }}</span>
+              </span>
+            </view>
+          </view>
+        </u-checkbox-group>
+      </view>
+    </view>
+    <view
+      style="
         background: #fff;
         padding: 20rpx 0;
         position: fixed;
         bottom: 0;
         left: 0;
         width: 100%;
-		display: flex;
-      ">
-			<u-button @click="handleApplicat" style="width: 95%; margin: 0 auto" type="primary">确定</u-button>
-		</view>
-	</view>
+        display: flex;
+      "
+    >
+      <u-button
+        @click="handleApplicat"
+        style="width: 95%; margin: 0 auto"
+        type="primary"
+        >确定</u-button
+      >
+    </view>
+  </view>
-	import {
-		pageAudit
-	} from "@/api/assay";
-	import {
-		useDict,
-		paraseDict
-	} from "@/utils/index";
-	export default {
-		data() {
-			return {
-				selectedItems: [],
-				recordColor: {
-					已撤回: "#fa3534",
-					已接收: "#2979ff",
-					待提交: "#2979ff",
-					备案中: "#2979ff",
-					已拒绝: "#fa3534",
-					勿备案: "#fa3534",
-					未备案: "#909399",
-					免备案: "#909399",
-					已退回: "#fa3534",
-				},
-				record: [], //备案字典
-				activeContent: "我的申请",
-				tabsList: [{
-					name: "我的申请",
-				}, ],
-				queryParams: {
-					pageNum: 1,
-					pageSize: 10,
-					orderByColumn: 'createTime',
-					isAsc: 'Desc'
-				},
-				ledgerList: [],
-				total: 0,
-				loading: false,
-				finished: false,
-			};
-		},
-		onLoad(options) {
-			useDict("ejian_instrFillingStatus").then((res) => {
-				this.record = res;
-			});
-			this.queryParams.excludeIds = options.ids
-			this.getList()
-		},
-		computed: {
-			// //检定状态
-			// verificationStatus() {
-			// 	return (row) => {
-			// 		return paraseDict(this.verification, row);
-			// 	};
-			// },
-			// //申请状态
-			// applicationStatus() {
-			// 	return (row) => {
-			// 		return paraseDict(this.application, row);
-			// 	};
-			// },
-			//备案状态
-			recordStatus() {
-				return (row) => {
-					return paraseDict(this.record, row);
-				};
-			},
-		},
-		methods: {
-			changeCheckBox(val) {
-				console.log('val', val)
-				console.log(this.selectedItems)
-				if (this.selectedItems.indexOf(val) === -1) {
-					this.selectedItems.push(val);
-				} else {
-					this.selectedItems.splice(this.selectedItems.indexOf(val), 1);
-				}
+import { pageAudit } from "@/api/assay";
+import { useDict, paraseDict } from "@/utils/index";
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      selectedItems: [],
+      recordColor: {
+        已撤回: "#fa3534",
+        已接收: "#2979ff",
+        待提交: "#2979ff",
+        备案中: "#2979ff",
+        已拒绝: "#fa3534",
+        勿备案: "#fa3534",
+        未备案: "#909399",
+        免备案: "#909399",
+        已退回: "#fa3534",
+      },
+      record: [], //备案字典
+      activeContent: "我的申请",
+      tabsList: [
+        {
+          name: "我的申请",
+        },
+      ],
+      queryParams: {
+        pageNum: 1,
+        pageSize: 10,
+        orderByColumn: "createTime",
+        isAsc: "Desc",
+      },
+      ledgerList: [],
+      total: 0,
+      loading: false,
+      finished: false,
+    };
+  },
+  onLoad(options) {
+    useDict("ejian_instrFillingStatus").then((res) => {
+      this.record = res;
+    });
+    this.queryParams.excludeIds = options.ids;
+    this.getList();
+  },
+  computed: {
+    // //检定状态
+    // verificationStatus() {
+    // 	return (row) => {
+    // 		return paraseDict(this.verification, row);
+    // 	};
+    // },
+    // //申请状态
+    // applicationStatus() {
+    // 	return (row) => {
+    // 		return paraseDict(this.application, row);
+    // 	};
+    // },
+    //备案状态
+    recordStatus() {
+      return (row) => {
+        return paraseDict(this.record, row);
+      };
+    },
+  },
+  methods: {
+    changeCheckBox(val) {
+      console.log("val", val);
+      console.log(this.selectedItems);
+      if (this.selectedItems.indexOf(val) === -1) {
+        this.selectedItems.push(val);
+      } else {
+        this.selectedItems.splice(this.selectedItems.indexOf(val), 1);
+      }
-				console.log('selectedItems', this.selectedItems)
-			},
-			getList() {
-				pageAudit({
-					...this.queryParams
-				}).then(({
-					rows,
-					total
-				}) => {
-					this.ledgerList = rows;
-					this.total = total;
-				});
-			},
-			onReachBottom() {
-				//触底事件
-				if (this.queryParams.pageNum * this.queryParams.pageSize >= this.total) {
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: "没有更多数据了",
-						icon: "none",
-						duration: 1000,
-					});
-					setTimeout(() => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-					}, 500);
-				} else {
-					if (this.queryParams.pageNum <= this.queryParams.pageNum - 1) {
-						setTimeout(() => {
-							uni.hideLoading();
-						}, 500);
-					} else {
-						uni.showLoading({
-							title: "加载中",
-						});
-						this.queryParams.pageNum++;
+      console.log("selectedItems", this.selectedItems);
+    },
+    getList() {
+      pageAudit({
+        ...this.queryParams,
+      }).then(({ rows, total }) => {
+        this.ledgerList = rows;
+        this.total = total;
+      });
+    },
+    onReachBottom() {
+      //触底事件
+      if (this.queryParams.pageNum * this.queryParams.pageSize >= this.total) {
+        uni.showToast({
+          title: "没有更多数据了",
+          icon: "none",
+          duration: 1000,
+        });
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          uni.hideLoading();
+        }, 500);
+      } else {
+        if (this.queryParams.pageNum <= this.queryParams.pageNum - 1) {
+          setTimeout(() => {
+            uni.hideLoading();
+          }, 500);
+        } else {
+          uni.showLoading({
+            title: "加载中",
+          });
+          this.queryParams.pageNum++;
-						pageAudit({
-							...this.queryParams
-						}).then(({
-							rows,
-							total
-						}) => {
-							this.ledgerList = [...this.ledgerList, ...rows];
-							this.total = total;
-						});
-					}
-					setTimeout(() => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-					}, 500);
-				}
-			},
-			handleDetails() {
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url: "/pages/assay/assayDetails",
-					success: (res) => {},
-					fail: () => {},
-					complete: () => {},
-				});
-			},
-			handleApplicat() {
-				getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn = this.selectedItems
-				console.log('getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn ', getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn)
-				uni.$emit('query', {
-					a: 'two'
-				})
-				uni.navigateBack()
-			},
-			handleChange(row) {
-				this.activeContent = row.name;
-			},
-			handleCurrentForm() {},
-		},
-	};
+          pageAudit({
+            ...this.queryParams,
+          }).then(({ rows, total }) => {
+            this.ledgerList = [...this.ledgerList, ...rows];
+            this.total = total;
+          });
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          uni.hideLoading();
+        }, 500);
+      }
+    },
+    handleDetails() {
+      uni.navigateTo({
+        url: "/pages/assay/assayDetails",
+        success: (res) => {},
+        fail: () => {},
+        complete: () => {},
+      });
+    },
+    handleApplicat() {
+      getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn = this.selectedItems;
+      console.log(
+        "getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn ",
+        getApp().globalData.deptListBeiAn
+      );
+      uni.$emit("query", {
+        a: "two",
+      });
+      uni.navigateBack();
+    },
+    handleChange(row) {
+      this.activeContent = row.name;
+    },
+    handleCurrentForm() {},
+  },
 <style lang="scss" scoped>
-	.createFixed {
-		background: #2979ff;
-		display: flex;
-		justify-content: center;
-		align-items: center;
-		width: 90rpx;
-		height: 90rpx;
-		border-radius: 50%;
-		position: fixed;
-		right: 30rpx;
-		bottom: 200rpx;
-	}
+.createFixed {
+  background: #2979ff;
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  width: 90rpx;
+  height: 90rpx;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  position: fixed;
+  right: 30rpx;
+  bottom: 200rpx;
-	.createNew {
-		font-size: 30rpx;
-		margin: 20rpx 0 20rpx 20rpx;
-		color: #3c9ff3;
-	}
+.createNew {
+  font-size: 30rpx;
+  margin: 20rpx 0 20rpx 20rpx;
+  color: #3c9ff3;
-	.container {
-		height: 100vh;
-		background: rgb(243, 244, 249);
+.container {
+  height: 100vh;
+  background: rgb(243, 244, 249);
-		.contentItems {
-			width: 93%;
-			border-radius: 6px;
-			background: #fff;
-			margin: 0rpx auto 20rpx;
-			padding: 20rpx 30rpx 20rpx;
+  .contentItems {
+    width: 93%;
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    background: #fff;
+    margin: 0rpx auto 20rpx;
+    padding: 20rpx 30rpx 20rpx;
-			.content {
-				border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(242, 242, 242);
-				padding: 24rpx 0;
-				display: flex;
-				justify-content: space-between;
-			}
+    .content {
+      border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(242, 242, 242);
+      padding: 24rpx 0;
+      display: flex;
+      justify-content: space-between;
+    }
-			.content:last-child {
-				border-bottom: none;
-			}
+    .content:last-child {
+      border-bottom: none;
+    }
-			.title {
-				font-size: 26rpx;
-				color: black;
-				letter-spacing: 3rpx;
-			}
+    .title {
+      font-size: 26rpx;
+      color: black;
+      letter-spacing: 3rpx;
+    }
-			.message {
-				font-size: 26rpx;
-				color: rgb(146, 146, 146);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    .message {
+      font-size: 26rpx;
+      color: rgb(146, 146, 146);
+    }
+  }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -349,4 +349,4 @@
 			color: rgb(146, 146, 146);