123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176 |
- /**
- @Name:layui.flow 流加载
- @Author:贤心
- @License:MIT
- */
- layui.define('jquery', function(exports){
- "use strict";
- var $ = layui.$, Flow = function(options){}
- ,ELEM_MORE = 'layui-flow-more'
- ,ELEM_LOAD = '<i class="layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop layui-icon "></i>';
- //主方法
- Flow.prototype.load = function(options){
- var that = this, page = 0, lock, isOver, lazyimg, timer;
- options = options || {};
- var elem = $(options.elem); if(!elem[0]) return;
- var scrollElem = $(options.scrollElem || document); //滚动条所在元素
- var mb = options.mb || 50; //与底部的临界距离
- var isAuto = 'isAuto' in options ? options.isAuto : true; //是否自动滚动加载
- var end = options.end || '没有更多了'; //“末页”显示文案
- //滚动条所在元素是否为document
- var notDocment = options.scrollElem && options.scrollElem !== document;
- //加载更多
- var ELEM_TEXT = '<cite>加载更多</cite>'
- ,more = $('<div class="layui-flow-more"><a href="javascript:;">'+ ELEM_TEXT +'</a></div>');
- if(!elem.find('.layui-flow-more')[0]){
- elem.append(more);
- }
- //加载下一个元素
- var next = function(html, over){
- html = $(html);
- more.before(html);
- over = over == 0 ? true : null;
- over ? more.html(end) : more.find('a').html(ELEM_TEXT);
- isOver = over;
- lock = null;
- lazyimg && lazyimg();
- };
- //触发请求
- var done = function(){
- lock = true;
- more.find('a').html(ELEM_LOAD);
- typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(++page, next);
- };
- done();
- //不自动滚动加载
- more.find('a').on('click', function(){
- var othis = $(this);
- if(isOver) return;
- lock || done();
- });
- //如果允许图片懒加载
- if(options.isLazyimg){
- var lazyimg = that.lazyimg({
- elem: options.elem + ' img'
- ,scrollElem: options.scrollElem
- });
- }
- if(!isAuto) return that;
- scrollElem.on('scroll', function(){
- var othis = $(this), top = othis.scrollTop();
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- if(isOver) return;
- timer = setTimeout(function(){
- //计算滚动所在容器的可视高度
- var height = notDocment ? othis.height() : $(window).height();
- //计算滚动所在容器的实际高度
- var scrollHeight = notDocment
- ? othis.prop('scrollHeight')
- : document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
- //临界点
- if(scrollHeight - top - height <= mb){
- lock || done();
- }
- }, 100);
- });
- return that;
- };
- //图片懒加载
- Flow.prototype.lazyimg = function(options){
- var that = this, index = 0, haveScroll;
- options = options || {};
- var scrollElem = $(options.scrollElem || document); //滚动条所在元素
- var elem = options.elem || 'img';
- //滚动条所在元素是否为document
- var notDocment = options.scrollElem && options.scrollElem !== document;
- //显示图片
- var show = function(item, height){
- var start = scrollElem.scrollTop(), end = start + height;
- var elemTop = notDocment ? function(){
- return item.offset().top - scrollElem.offset().top + start;
- }() : item.offset().top;
- /* 始终只加载在当前屏范围内的图片 */
- if(elemTop >= start && elemTop <= end){
- if(!item.attr('src')){
- var src = item.attr('lay-src');
- layui.img(src, function(){
- var next = that.lazyimg.elem.eq(index);
- item.attr('src', src).removeAttr('lay-src');
- /* 当前图片加载就绪后,检测下一个图片是否在当前屏 */
- next[0] && render(next);
- index++;
- });
- }
- }
- }, render = function(othis, scroll){
- //计算滚动所在容器的可视高度
- var height = notDocment ? (scroll||scrollElem).height() : $(window).height();
- var start = scrollElem.scrollTop(), end = start + height;
- that.lazyimg.elem = $(elem);
- if(othis){
- show(othis, height);
- } else {
- //计算未加载过的图片
- for(var i = 0; i < that.lazyimg.elem.length; i++){
- var item = that.lazyimg.elem.eq(i), elemTop = notDocment ? function(){
- return item.offset().top - scrollElem.offset().top + start;
- }() : item.offset().top;
- show(item, height);
- index = i;
- //如果图片的top坐标,超出了当前屏,则终止后续图片的遍历
- if(elemTop > end) break;
- }
- }
- };
- render();
- if(!haveScroll){
- var timer;
- scrollElem.on('scroll', function(){
- var othis = $(this);
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer)
- timer = setTimeout(function(){
- render(null, othis);
- }, 50);
- });
- haveScroll = true;
- }
- return render;
- };
- //暴露接口
- exports('flow', new Flow());
- });